2008年8月21日 星期四



當我們談論著她那即將是遙距戀愛的男友時, 她肯定的跟我說,
那刻, 我靜了,
是震撼, 是羨慕,

因為... 我也曾經天真地說過同一句話,
只是短短五天的小別, 真的變了"新分",
分手了, 復合了, 最後也是分了,



2008年8月17日 星期日


有很多考生拿著成績來Durham 的counter 問offer,

好像Business, Economics, Law 等科目都沒了,


記得當年會考考得不好, 就去了英國念A-level,
記得A-level 也考得不理想, 還是進了Durham,
記得Year 1 的的時候沒有很用功, Year 2 還有份兒,
也記得辦UCAS 時, 有人跟我說過有沒有大學肯收我也是個問題
(不管怎樣, 我相信Durham 比那人的學校好就是啦)

轉轉眼, 下年是Final Year 了,
我希望可以好好的畢業, 可以做到自己的目標,



2008年8月6日 星期三

Chequered Biscuits

150 g/ 5 oz butter
75 g/ 3 oz icing sugar
pinch of salt
200 g/ 7 oz plain flour
25 g/ 1 oz cocoa powder
1 small egg white

1) Preheat the oven to 190°C/ 375 F/ Gas Mark 5, 10 minutes before baking. Lightly oil 3~4 baking sheets. Place the butter and icing sugar in a bowl and cream together until light and fluffy.

2) Add the salt, then gradually add the flour, beating well after each addition. Mix well to form a firm dough. Cut the dough in half and knead the cocoa powder into one half. Wrap both portions of dough separately in clingfilm and then leave chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

3) Divide each piece of dough into 3 portions. Roll each portion of dough into a long roll and arrange these rolls on top of each other to form a chequer-board design, sealing them with egg white. Wrap in Clingfilm and refrigerate for 1 hour.

4) Cut the dough into 5 mm/ 1/4 inch thick slices, place on the baking sheets and bake in the preheated oven for 10~15 minutes. Remove from the oven, and leave to cool for a few minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and leave until cold before serving. Store in an airtight tin.

Helpful Hint:
when baking biscuits, use a fish slice or spatula to transfer the cut-out biscuits from the work surface to the baking sheets. Use heavy-duty baking sheets that will not bend or warp in the oven. The nonstick silicone baking sheets that are now readily available are ideal for baking biscuits. Follow the manufacturers' intructions for oiling.
